We are aware of some glitches in the new injury reporting system. Details: https://www.tcfp.texas.gov/announcements We will post an update once the glitches have been fixed.
The Structure Firefighter and Hazmat ad hoc committees are now accepting applications. More information can be found here. Deadline to apply: March 18th.
TCFP offices will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025 in observance of the Presidents' Day holiday. Online services will remain operational.
We are aware of some glitches in the new injury reporting system. Details: https://www.tcfp.texas.gov/announcements We will post an update once the glitches have been fixed.
The Structure Firefighter and Hazmat ad hoc committees are now accepting applications. More information can be found here. Deadline to apply: March 18th.
TCFP offices will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025 in observance of the Presidents' Day holiday. Online services will remain operational.
We are seeking applicants for two ad hoc curriculum committees:
Applications for both of these committees will be accepted through Tuesday, March 18, 2025. More information including the minimum requirements for each committee position as well as the responsibilities can be found by navigating to the application on our website. At the top of the website, go to About Us > Commissioners and Committees > Apply to Open Committee Position for all the details.
Questions? Send an email to curriculum@tcfp.texas.gov
The Commission will be meeting at 9am on Thursday, February 20, 2025.
The meeting agenda and notebook will be available on our calendar page a few days before the meeting. We hope to see you there!
If you have any questions or concerns about the meeting, please send an email to info@tcfp.texas.gov.
We are aware of (and are working on) some glitches in our new injury reporting system.
We have received reports of some of the fields auto populating themselves with information you are not entering. We also understand that many of your new injury reports are mistakenly going into your "Incomplete" buckets even though you have entered all the required information. Please know that we are working on these issues and we will post an update once we know that the glitches have been fixed.
Thank you for your patience with our new system! Please feel free to send any additional feedback and concerns you may have to injuries@tcfp.texas.gov.
We have another new online testing center that you can use to schedule online exams:
Northeast Texas Community College
2886 FM 1735
Mt. Pleasant, TX 75455
As always, please schedule your certification exams through your online FIDO account. Questions or concerns can be sent to testing@tcfp.texas.gov.
The Curriculum & Testing Committee will be meeting at TCFP HQ in Austin January 28-30, 2025.
You can download a copy of the agenda from the calendar webpage:
Questions about the meeting? Please send an email to curriculum@tcfp.texas.gov.
TCFP is looking for individuals interested in updating the curriculum for the Marine Firefighter certification.
The position description and online application can be found at https://www.tcfp.texas.gov/become-committee-member. To qualify, you must hold both MARINE and INSTRUCTOR certifications.
If you are interested in joining the team and bettering the Marine Firefighter program, please follow the link above and APPLY today!
At yesterday's Commission meeting, they made their official appointments to the Firefighter Advisory Committee as well as the Curriculum and Testing Committee.
Please download the PDF file to view Mike's official memo which has a list of all the appointments.
The meeting starts at 9:30am. We plan to broadcast the live audio feed on our Facebook page.
If you visit our calendar page, you can find links to download the meeting notebook and to pre-register for CE. Simply click on the calendar event on Nov. 21.
If you will be attending the meeting in person, we have a guide to help you find our location with details on where to park. Please go to the Contact Us tab at the top of the website and select Find Location Instructions from the drop-down menu.
Questions or concerns about the upcoming meeting can be sent to info@tcfp.texas.gov
Training facilities can submit batch ONLINE TESTING applications starting Monday, November 4, 2024.
Questions? Email: testing@tcfp.texas.gov
Cancer Awareness Training completion deadline December 1st, 2024
All TCFP regulated personnel must have completed and report their cancer awareness training no later than December 1st, 2024.
Failure to complete the Firefighter Cancer Support Network Cancer Awareness Training program before the required deadline will be considered a violation of continuing education rules found in Chapter 441 of this title (relating to Continuing Education).
Please contact your regional compliance officer if you have any questions or need assistance with completing the cancer awareness training requirement or reporting completion to us.
The Curriculum & Testing committee will be meeting at TCFP HQ in Austin on November 13-14, 2024. You can download a copy of the agenda from the calendar page.
Questions about the meeting? Please send an email to curriculum@tcfp.texas.gov.
The "special temporary provision" for the new Rope Rescue certifications is now underway. Qualified individuals can take a state certification exam without first needing to take and pass an approved course.
You are eligible to take the TCFP exam for the awareness/operations level and/or the technician level if you meet the following qualifications:
1 – you must be certified by TCFP as a structural firefighter, an ARFF firefighter, or a Marine firefighter; and
2 – you must provide an affidavit from your Head of Department or Chief Training Officer that you meet your department’s requirements to perform as a rope rescuer and that you have demonstrated proficiency as a rope rescuer at the awareness/operations level and/or the technician level.
To qualify to take the state exam, you must submit your application to us no later than October 1, 2025.
The special temporary provision will expire on November 1, 2025.
Please see the rules in our standards manual (chapter 469) for more information. And if you have questions, send an email to testing@tcfp.texas.gov.
We have another new online testing center! Brazosport College Learning Services 500 College Drive Lake Jackson, TX
Brazosport College Learning Services 500 College Drive Lake Jackson, TX You can schedule an exam through your FIDO account. If you need assistance or have questions, send an email to testing@tcfp.texas.gov.
Only three regional meetings left in 2024! If you're near Galveston, Katy, or Bryan, come out and visit with us, and make sure to get your CE hours.
Please go to our Regional Meetings webpage for more information (including start times and addresses of the venues) and to pre-register for CE hours if you will be attending. https://www.tcfp.texas.gov/regional-meetings
Questions? Send us an email! info@tcfp.texas.gov
We have another new online testing center!
Trinity Valley Community College - Palestine
2970 North State Highway 19
Palestine, TX 75803
As always, please schedule your exam through your online FIDO account. And if you have questions or need assistance, please send an email to testing@tcfp.texas.gov
Trinity Valley Community College has joined our family of testing centers offering TCFP exams.
Trinity Valley Community College - Terrell
1200 E I-20
Terrell, TX 75160
Please apply to take your exam through your online FIDO account. If you have questions or need assistance, you can send us an email: testing@tcfp.texas.gov.
The Firefighter Advisory Committee is now accepting applications for membership.
Please go to About Us > Commissioner and Committees > Apply to Open Committee Position. Applications are being accepted until Friday, September 20, 2024.
Questions? Send an email to info@tcfp.texas.gov.
If you haven't sent in your registration yet, please do so ASAP!
You can download the PDF flyer for the event here: https://www.tcfp.texas.gov/Services/GetPdf?filename=//Announcements/Announcement_TIFMAS_Symposium_Sept._17-18_19Aug2024.pdf
For more information please contact Jeffrey Wittig at tifmasfoundation@gmail.com
We have added a new online testing center in Frisco.
Ho2 Systems, LLC
4645 Avon Lane, Suite 220
Frisco, TX 75033
Please schedule your exam through your online FIDO account. If you have questions or need assistance, send an email to: testing@tcfp.texas.gov
You can now pre-register for CE hours if you plan to attend our regional meeting in Amarillo on Sept. 4 or the one in Abilene on Sept. 5.
Please visit our regional meetings webpage to find the links so you can get registered: https://www.tcfp.texas.gov/regional-meetings
Questions or concerns can be emailed to info@tcfp.texas.gov.
You can now pre-register for CE hours if you will be attending the upcoming commission workshop and/or commission meeting happening August 14-15, 2024.
Please use the QR code provided to preregister with TEEX. Questions or concerns can be emailed to info@tcxfp.texas.gov.
The Curriculum & Testing committee will be meeting at TCFP HQ in Austin on August 1 & 2, 2024.
You can download a copy of the agenda from the calendar page. https://www.tcfp.texas.gov/calendar
Questions about the meeting? Please send an email to curriculum@tcfp.texas.gov.
TDEM asked us to share the following message to help get the word out.
Attention to all First Responders, Emergency Managers, and Hazardous Materials Responders! Many of you register for training using the www.PreparingTexas.org website managed by the Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM). We are moving to a new learning platform: Blackboard Learn. We are asking ALL users to go to www.PreparingTexas.Org and update your user profile. We especially need you to ensure that your FEMA SID and work email are correct.
More information and instructions can be found under Quick Links at www.PreparingTexas.Org. Please update your information before August 1, 2024. If you have any questions, contact us at Training@TDEM.Texas.Gov.
The special temporary provision (a.k.a. the grandfathering period) during which you can take the fire marshal certification exam without first having to take an approved course is coming to an end. If you haven't scheduled your fire marshal exam yet, please submit your application right away.
First: You must APPLY to take the exam by August 1, 2024. To apply, sign in to your online FIDO account and go to your applications page.
Second: You must TAKE THE EXAM by August 30, 2024 (not Aug. 31).
If you miss the 8/1 application deadline, you must take & pass an approved course before you can apply to take the exam.
There is no way to get this certification without taking the exam. No one will be "grandfathered in" without taking the exam.
As we get closer to the deadline, it will become more difficult to get scheduled to test as the slots will fill up. Please don't wait!
You can review rule 467.1 in our standards manual for more details on the special temporary provision and what you will need in order to qualify for the exam. You can find it on our website by clicking on Services > Manuals > Standards Manuals > Chapter 467 (subchapter A).
Questions, or just need some help? Send an email to: testing@tcfp.texas.gov.
Please check your email and voicemail for a possible cancelation notice from DPS before going to any IdentoGo location for your fingerprint/background check appointment.
DPS has requested that everyone who has an appointment with IdentoGo to please check your e-mail and voicemail for cancelation notices prior to traveling to the IdentoGo location.
If you have not received a cancelation notice but would like to confirm your appointment is still scheduled, you can contact IdentoGo by phone regarding the status of your appointment: 1-888-467-2080 (Option 3).
The C&T committee will be meeting at TCFP HQ on June 17-18, 2024.
You can download a copy of the agenda from the calendar page: https://www.tcfp.texas.gov/calendar
Questions about the meeting? Please send an email to curriculum@tcfp.texas.gov.
Two new online testing centers are now offering TCFP exams.
Blinn College - RELLIS
1366 Bryan Road, Suite 140 Administrative Bldg.
Bryan, TX
Texas Southmost College
Oliveira Student Services Bldg.
1701 May Street
Brownsville, TX
Please schedule your exam through your online FIDO account. If you have questions or need assistance, please send an email to testing@tcfp.texas.gov.
Now accepting applications for membership!
The Health & Wellness Committee of the Texas Commission on Fire Protection plays a critical role in promoting and safeguarding the physical and mental well-being of firefighters across the state. As a committee member, you will contribute to the development and implementation of strategies aimed at enhancing the health, safety, mental wellness, and overall quality of life for Texas firefighters.
For more information on the responsibilities and preferred qualifications, please go to our website, and at the top of the page, click About Us > Commissioners and Committees > Apply to Open Committee Position.
The deadline to apply is June 17, 2024. Questions? Email us! info@tcfp.texas.gov
The Texas Commission on Fire Protection is seeking volunteers for the Marine Ad Hoc Committee to make improvements to the marine firefighter curriculum.
Minimum requirements include a current Instructor I certification and a current Marine Firefighter certification. Experience teaching a Marine Firefighter course is a plus!
Applications will be accepted through Friday, May 31, 2024. You can download an application here.
Questions about applying for this committee? Please send an email to curriculum@tcfp.texas.gov.
Due to our recent move, many books and other items from the Ernest A. Emerson Fire Protection Resource Library had to find new homes.
A number of children’s books, toys, bookmarkers and videos were donated to Little Free Library and Free Blockbuster kiosks for our neighbors’ use and enjoyment. You can see a couple photos on our Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/TCFPinfo/
We have created a new webpage where departments can share their seminars and training events with the rest of the Texas fire service.
It's a lot like our jobs webpage. You fill out the fields in the application, submit a PDF or include a link with more information, and once your event is approved it will be listed on the webpage. We hope this will be a useful resource for members of the fire service in finding more training opportunities in their areas.
The new webpage is located under the News + Events tab. Here is the link: https://www.tcfp.texas.gov/seminar-training-event Questions or concerns can be sent to info@tcfp.texas.gov.
The TCFP is now running it’s biennial customer service survey. The survey contains 18 questions and takes approximately 4 minutes to complete.
Your feedback is very important to us. We welcome all your comments and suggestions. This survey will run from April 1 to April 14, 2024. Please use this link to be taken to the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TZQ5P3Y
Please visit our regional meetings webpage to see the 2024 schedule and for more information.
We hope to see you there!
On 2/29/2024 the Commission discussed and approved internal policies and processes, and established an ad hoc committee so they can start filling vacant seats on the three standing committees. Please download
this 15-page PDF document for a comprehensive update with more detailed information.
The Bryan Fire Department is hosting a CPSE "Quality Improvement workshop for fire & emergency services" in Bryan, TX April 15-17, 2024.
The key learning objectives of the workshop include the steps in the self-assessment process, from building a team to becoming an accredited agency, as well as the key elements of the accreditation process.
For more information on the workshop including cost and how to get registered, please email Lt. Andrew Davis: adavis@bryantx.gov
Our headquarters is moving to a new office in Austin on February 23rd.
The new address will be 4800 North Lamar Blvd., Austin, TX 78756. If you will be visiting us in person to attend the Feb. 29, 2024 Commission meeting (or for any other reason), please
download this PDF guide that has maps and instructions to help you find us in our new location. Free visitor parking is available.
If you have any questions or concerns about our upcoming move, please send an email to info@tcfp.texas.gov.
San Jacinto Community College District is now offering TCFP exams at three of their online testing centers in Houston.
SJCC - Generation Park Campus (13455 Lockwood Road, G-2.115, Houston TX 77044)
SJCC - North Campus (5800 Uvalde Road, N-6.220, Houston TX 77049)
SJCC - South Campus (13735 Beamer Road, S-6.220, Houston TX 77089)
Please schedule your exam through your online FIDO account. You can send an email to testing@tcfp.texas.gov if you have questions or need assistance.
We are seeking applicants for two ad hoc curriculum committees:
Applications for both of these committees will be accepted through Tuesday, March 18, 2025. More information including the minimum requirements for each committee position as well as the responsibilities can be found by navigating to the application on our website. At the top of the website, go to About Us > Commissioners and Committees > Apply to Open Committee Position for all the details.
Questions? Send an email to curriculum@tcfp.texas.gov
The Commission will be meeting at 9am on Thursday, February 20, 2025.
The meeting agenda and notebook will be available on our calendar page a few days before the meeting. We hope to see you there!
If you have any questions or concerns about the meeting, please send an email to info@tcfp.texas.gov.
We are aware of (and are working on) some glitches in our new injury reporting system.
We have received reports of some of the fields auto populating themselves with information you are not entering. We also understand that many of your new injury reports are mistakenly going into your "Incomplete" buckets even though you have entered all the required information. Please know that we are working on these issues and we will post an update once we know that the glitches have been fixed.
Thank you for your patience with our new system! Please feel free to send any additional feedback and concerns you may have to injuries@tcfp.texas.gov.
We have another new online testing center that you can use to schedule online exams:
Northeast Texas Community College
2886 FM 1735
Mt. Pleasant, TX 75455
As always, please schedule your certification exams through your online FIDO account. Questions or concerns can be sent to testing@tcfp.texas.gov.
The Curriculum & Testing Committee will be meeting at TCFP HQ in Austin January 28-30, 2025.
You can download a copy of the agenda from the calendar webpage:
Questions about the meeting? Please send an email to curriculum@tcfp.texas.gov.
TCFP is looking for individuals interested in updating the curriculum for the Marine Firefighter certification.
The position description and online application can be found at https://www.tcfp.texas.gov/become-committee-member. To qualify, you must hold both MARINE and INSTRUCTOR certifications.
If you are interested in joining the team and bettering the Marine Firefighter program, please follow the link above and APPLY today!
At yesterday's Commission meeting, they made their official appointments to the Firefighter Advisory Committee as well as the Curriculum and Testing Committee.
Please download the PDF file to view Mike's official memo which has a list of all the appointments.
The meeting starts at 9:30am. We plan to broadcast the live audio feed on our Facebook page.
If you visit our calendar page, you can find links to download the meeting notebook and to pre-register for CE. Simply click on the calendar event on Nov. 21.
If you will be attending the meeting in person, we have a guide to help you find our location with details on where to park. Please go to the Contact Us tab at the top of the website and select Find Location Instructions from the drop-down menu.
Questions or concerns about the upcoming meeting can be sent to info@tcfp.texas.gov
Training facilities can submit batch ONLINE TESTING applications starting Monday, November 4, 2024.
Questions? Email: testing@tcfp.texas.gov
Cancer Awareness Training completion deadline December 1st, 2024
All TCFP regulated personnel must have completed and report their cancer awareness training no later than December 1st, 2024.
Failure to complete the Firefighter Cancer Support Network Cancer Awareness Training program before the required deadline will be considered a violation of continuing education rules found in Chapter 441 of this title (relating to Continuing Education).
Please contact your regional compliance officer if you have any questions or need assistance with completing the cancer awareness training requirement or reporting completion to us.
The Curriculum & Testing committee will be meeting at TCFP HQ in Austin on November 13-14, 2024. You can download a copy of the agenda from the calendar page.
Questions about the meeting? Please send an email to curriculum@tcfp.texas.gov.
The "special temporary provision" for the new Rope Rescue certifications is now underway. Qualified individuals can take a state certification exam without first needing to take and pass an approved course.
You are eligible to take the TCFP exam for the awareness/operations level and/or the technician level if you meet the following qualifications:
1 – you must be certified by TCFP as a structural firefighter, an ARFF firefighter, or a Marine firefighter; and
2 – you must provide an affidavit from your Head of Department or Chief Training Officer that you meet your department’s requirements to perform as a rope rescuer and that you have demonstrated proficiency as a rope rescuer at the awareness/operations level and/or the technician level.
To qualify to take the state exam, you must submit your application to us no later than October 1, 2025.
The special temporary provision will expire on November 1, 2025.
Please see the rules in our standards manual (chapter 469) for more information. And if you have questions, send an email to testing@tcfp.texas.gov.
We have another new online testing center! Brazosport College Learning Services 500 College Drive Lake Jackson, TX
Brazosport College Learning Services 500 College Drive Lake Jackson, TX You can schedule an exam through your FIDO account. If you need assistance or have questions, send an email to testing@tcfp.texas.gov.
Only three regional meetings left in 2024! If you're near Galveston, Katy, or Bryan, come out and visit with us, and make sure to get your CE hours.
Please go to our Regional Meetings webpage for more information (including start times and addresses of the venues) and to pre-register for CE hours if you will be attending. https://www.tcfp.texas.gov/regional-meetings
Questions? Send us an email! info@tcfp.texas.gov
We have another new online testing center!
Trinity Valley Community College - Palestine
2970 North State Highway 19
Palestine, TX 75803
As always, please schedule your exam through your online FIDO account. And if you have questions or need assistance, please send an email to testing@tcfp.texas.gov
Trinity Valley Community College has joined our family of testing centers offering TCFP exams.
Trinity Valley Community College - Terrell
1200 E I-20
Terrell, TX 75160
Please apply to take your exam through your online FIDO account. If you have questions or need assistance, you can send us an email: testing@tcfp.texas.gov.
The Firefighter Advisory Committee is now accepting applications for membership.
Please go to About Us > Commissioner and Committees > Apply to Open Committee Position. Applications are being accepted until Friday, September 20, 2024.
Questions? Send an email to info@tcfp.texas.gov.
If you haven't sent in your registration yet, please do so ASAP!
You can download the PDF flyer for the event here: https://www.tcfp.texas.gov/Services/GetPdf?filename=//Announcements/Announcement_TIFMAS_Symposium_Sept._17-18_19Aug2024.pdf
For more information please contact Jeffrey Wittig at tifmasfoundation@gmail.com
We have added a new online testing center in Frisco.
Ho2 Systems, LLC
4645 Avon Lane, Suite 220
Frisco, TX 75033
Please schedule your exam through your online FIDO account. If you have questions or need assistance, send an email to: testing@tcfp.texas.gov
You can now pre-register for CE hours if you plan to attend our regional meeting in Amarillo on Sept. 4 or the one in Abilene on Sept. 5.
Please visit our regional meetings webpage to find the links so you can get registered: https://www.tcfp.texas.gov/regional-meetings
Questions or concerns can be emailed to info@tcfp.texas.gov.
You can now pre-register for CE hours if you will be attending the upcoming commission workshop and/or commission meeting happening August 14-15, 2024.
Please use the QR code provided to preregister with TEEX. Questions or concerns can be emailed to info@tcxfp.texas.gov.
The Curriculum & Testing committee will be meeting at TCFP HQ in Austin on August 1 & 2, 2024.
You can download a copy of the agenda from the calendar page. https://www.tcfp.texas.gov/calendar
Questions about the meeting? Please send an email to curriculum@tcfp.texas.gov.
TDEM asked us to share the following message to help get the word out.
Attention to all First Responders, Emergency Managers, and Hazardous Materials Responders! Many of you register for training using the www.PreparingTexas.org website managed by the Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM). We are moving to a new learning platform: Blackboard Learn. We are asking ALL users to go to www.PreparingTexas.Org and update your user profile. We especially need you to ensure that your FEMA SID and work email are correct.
More information and instructions can be found under Quick Links at www.PreparingTexas.Org. Please update your information before August 1, 2024. If you have any questions, contact us at Training@TDEM.Texas.Gov.
The special temporary provision (a.k.a. the grandfathering period) during which you can take the fire marshal certification exam without first having to take an approved course is coming to an end. If you haven't scheduled your fire marshal exam yet, please submit your application right away.
First: You must APPLY to take the exam by August 1, 2024. To apply, sign in to your online FIDO account and go to your applications page.
Second: You must TAKE THE EXAM by August 30, 2024 (not Aug. 31).
If you miss the 8/1 application deadline, you must take & pass an approved course before you can apply to take the exam.
There is no way to get this certification without taking the exam. No one will be "grandfathered in" without taking the exam.
As we get closer to the deadline, it will become more difficult to get scheduled to test as the slots will fill up. Please don't wait!
You can review rule 467.1 in our standards manual for more details on the special temporary provision and what you will need in order to qualify for the exam. You can find it on our website by clicking on Services > Manuals > Standards Manuals > Chapter 467 (subchapter A).
Questions, or just need some help? Send an email to: testing@tcfp.texas.gov.
Please check your email and voicemail for a possible cancelation notice from DPS before going to any IdentoGo location for your fingerprint/background check appointment.
DPS has requested that everyone who has an appointment with IdentoGo to please check your e-mail and voicemail for cancelation notices prior to traveling to the IdentoGo location.
If you have not received a cancelation notice but would like to confirm your appointment is still scheduled, you can contact IdentoGo by phone regarding the status of your appointment: 1-888-467-2080 (Option 3).
The C&T committee will be meeting at TCFP HQ on June 17-18, 2024.
You can download a copy of the agenda from the calendar page: https://www.tcfp.texas.gov/calendar
Questions about the meeting? Please send an email to curriculum@tcfp.texas.gov.
Two new online testing centers are now offering TCFP exams.
Blinn College - RELLIS
1366 Bryan Road, Suite 140 Administrative Bldg.
Bryan, TX
Texas Southmost College
Oliveira Student Services Bldg.
1701 May Street
Brownsville, TX
Please schedule your exam through your online FIDO account. If you have questions or need assistance, please send an email to testing@tcfp.texas.gov.
Now accepting applications for membership!
The Health & Wellness Committee of the Texas Commission on Fire Protection plays a critical role in promoting and safeguarding the physical and mental well-being of firefighters across the state. As a committee member, you will contribute to the development and implementation of strategies aimed at enhancing the health, safety, mental wellness, and overall quality of life for Texas firefighters.
For more information on the responsibilities and preferred qualifications, please go to our website, and at the top of the page, click About Us > Commissioners and Committees > Apply to Open Committee Position.
The deadline to apply is June 17, 2024. Questions? Email us! info@tcfp.texas.gov
The Texas Commission on Fire Protection is seeking volunteers for the Marine Ad Hoc Committee to make improvements to the marine firefighter curriculum.
Minimum requirements include a current Instructor I certification and a current Marine Firefighter certification. Experience teaching a Marine Firefighter course is a plus!
Applications will be accepted through Friday, May 31, 2024. You can download an application here.
Questions about applying for this committee? Please send an email to curriculum@tcfp.texas.gov.
Due to our recent move, many books and other items from the Ernest A. Emerson Fire Protection Resource Library had to find new homes.
A number of children’s books, toys, bookmarkers and videos were donated to Little Free Library and Free Blockbuster kiosks for our neighbors’ use and enjoyment. You can see a couple photos on our Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/TCFPinfo/
We have created a new webpage where departments can share their seminars and training events with the rest of the Texas fire service.
It's a lot like our jobs webpage. You fill out the fields in the application, submit a PDF or include a link with more information, and once your event is approved it will be listed on the webpage. We hope this will be a useful resource for members of the fire service in finding more training opportunities in their areas.
The new webpage is located under the News + Events tab. Here is the link: https://www.tcfp.texas.gov/seminar-training-event Questions or concerns can be sent to info@tcfp.texas.gov.
The TCFP is now running it’s biennial customer service survey. The survey contains 18 questions and takes approximately 4 minutes to complete.
Your feedback is very important to us. We welcome all your comments and suggestions. This survey will run from April 1 to April 14, 2024. Please use this link to be taken to the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TZQ5P3Y
Please visit our regional meetings webpage to see the 2024 schedule and for more information.
We hope to see you there!
On 2/29/2024 the Commission discussed and approved internal policies and processes, and established an ad hoc committee so they can start filling vacant seats on the three standing committees. Please download
this 15-page PDF document for a comprehensive update with more detailed information.
The Bryan Fire Department is hosting a CPSE "Quality Improvement workshop for fire & emergency services" in Bryan, TX April 15-17, 2024.
The key learning objectives of the workshop include the steps in the self-assessment process, from building a team to becoming an accredited agency, as well as the key elements of the accreditation process.
For more information on the workshop including cost and how to get registered, please email Lt. Andrew Davis: adavis@bryantx.gov
Our headquarters is moving to a new office in Austin on February 23rd.
The new address will be 4800 North Lamar Blvd., Austin, TX 78756. If you will be visiting us in person to attend the Feb. 29, 2024 Commission meeting (or for any other reason), please
download this PDF guide that has maps and instructions to help you find us in our new location. Free visitor parking is available.
If you have any questions or concerns about our upcoming move, please send an email to info@tcfp.texas.gov.
San Jacinto Community College District is now offering TCFP exams at three of their online testing centers in Houston.
SJCC - Generation Park Campus (13455 Lockwood Road, G-2.115, Houston TX 77044)
SJCC - North Campus (5800 Uvalde Road, N-6.220, Houston TX 77049)
SJCC - South Campus (13735 Beamer Road, S-6.220, Houston TX 77089)
Please schedule your exam through your online FIDO account. You can send an email to testing@tcfp.texas.gov if you have questions or need assistance.
We are seeking applicants for two ad hoc curriculum committees:
Applications for both of these committees will be accepted through Tuesday, March 18, 2025. More information including the minimum requirements for each committee position as well as the responsibilities can be found by navigating to the application on our website. At the top of the website, go to About Us > Commissioners and Committees > Apply to Open Committee Position for all the details.
Questions? Send an email to curriculum@tcfp.texas.gov
The Commission will be meeting at 9am on Thursday, February 20, 2025.
The meeting agenda and notebook will be available on our calendar page a few days before the meeting. We hope to see you there!
If you have any questions or concerns about the meeting, please send an email to info@tcfp.texas.gov.
We are aware of (and are working on) some glitches in our new injury reporting system.
We have received reports of some of the fields auto populating themselves with information you are not entering. We also understand that many of your new injury reports are mistakenly going into your "Incomplete" buckets even though you have entered all the required information. Please know that we are working on these issues and we will post an update once we know that the glitches have been fixed.
Thank you for your patience with our new system! Please feel free to send any additional feedback and concerns you may have to injuries@tcfp.texas.gov.
We have another new online testing center that you can use to schedule online exams:
Northeast Texas Community College
2886 FM 1735
Mt. Pleasant, TX 75455
As always, please schedule your certification exams through your online FIDO account. Questions or concerns can be sent to testing@tcfp.texas.gov.
The Curriculum & Testing Committee will be meeting at TCFP HQ in Austin January 28-30, 2025.
You can download a copy of the agenda from the calendar webpage:
Questions about the meeting? Please send an email to curriculum@tcfp.texas.gov.
TCFP is looking for individuals interested in updating the curriculum for the Marine Firefighter certification.
The position description and online application can be found at https://www.tcfp.texas.gov/become-committee-member. To qualify, you must hold both MARINE and INSTRUCTOR certifications.
If you are interested in joining the team and bettering the Marine Firefighter program, please follow the link above and APPLY today!
At yesterday's Commission meeting, they made their official appointments to the Firefighter Advisory Committee as well as the Curriculum and Testing Committee.
Please download the PDF file to view Mike's official memo which has a list of all the appointments.
The meeting starts at 9:30am. We plan to broadcast the live audio feed on our Facebook page.
If you visit our calendar page, you can find links to download the meeting notebook and to pre-register for CE. Simply click on the calendar event on Nov. 21.
If you will be attending the meeting in person, we have a guide to help you find our location with details on where to park. Please go to the Contact Us tab at the top of the website and select Find Location Instructions from the drop-down menu.
Questions or concerns about the upcoming meeting can be sent to info@tcfp.texas.gov
Training facilities can submit batch ONLINE TESTING applications starting Monday, November 4, 2024.
Questions? Email: testing@tcfp.texas.gov
Cancer Awareness Training completion deadline December 1st, 2024
All TCFP regulated personnel must have completed and report their cancer awareness training no later than December 1st, 2024.
Failure to complete the Firefighter Cancer Support Network Cancer Awareness Training program before the required deadline will be considered a violation of continuing education rules found in Chapter 441 of this title (relating to Continuing Education).
Please contact your regional compliance officer if you have any questions or need assistance with completing the cancer awareness training requirement or reporting completion to us.
The Curriculum & Testing committee will be meeting at TCFP HQ in Austin on November 13-14, 2024. You can download a copy of the agenda from the calendar page.
Questions about the meeting? Please send an email to curriculum@tcfp.texas.gov.
The "special temporary provision" for the new Rope Rescue certifications is now underway. Qualified individuals can take a state certification exam without first needing to take and pass an approved course.
You are eligible to take the TCFP exam for the awareness/operations level and/or the technician level if you meet the following qualifications:
1 – you must be certified by TCFP as a structural firefighter, an ARFF firefighter, or a Marine firefighter; and
2 – you must provide an affidavit from your Head of Department or Chief Training Officer that you meet your department’s requirements to perform as a rope rescuer and that you have demonstrated proficiency as a rope rescuer at the awareness/operations level and/or the technician level.
To qualify to take the state exam, you must submit your application to us no later than October 1, 2025.
The special temporary provision will expire on November 1, 2025.
Please see the rules in our standards manual (chapter 469) for more information. And if you have questions, send an email to testing@tcfp.texas.gov.
We have another new online testing center! Brazosport College Learning Services 500 College Drive Lake Jackson, TX
Brazosport College Learning Services 500 College Drive Lake Jackson, TX You can schedule an exam through your FIDO account. If you need assistance or have questions, send an email to testing@tcfp.texas.gov.
Only three regional meetings left in 2024! If you're near Galveston, Katy, or Bryan, come out and visit with us, and make sure to get your CE hours.
Please go to our Regional Meetings webpage for more information (including start times and addresses of the venues) and to pre-register for CE hours if you will be attending. https://www.tcfp.texas.gov/regional-meetings
Questions? Send us an email! info@tcfp.texas.gov
We have another new online testing center!
Trinity Valley Community College - Palestine
2970 North State Highway 19
Palestine, TX 75803
As always, please schedule your exam through your online FIDO account. And if you have questions or need assistance, please send an email to testing@tcfp.texas.gov
Trinity Valley Community College has joined our family of testing centers offering TCFP exams.
Trinity Valley Community College - Terrell
1200 E I-20
Terrell, TX 75160
Please apply to take your exam through your online FIDO account. If you have questions or need assistance, you can send us an email: testing@tcfp.texas.gov.
The Firefighter Advisory Committee is now accepting applications for membership.
Please go to About Us > Commissioner and Committees > Apply to Open Committee Position. Applications are being accepted until Friday, September 20, 2024.
Questions? Send an email to info@tcfp.texas.gov.
If you haven't sent in your registration yet, please do so ASAP!
You can download the PDF flyer for the event here: https://www.tcfp.texas.gov/Services/GetPdf?filename=//Announcements/Announcement_TIFMAS_Symposium_Sept._17-18_19Aug2024.pdf
For more information please contact Jeffrey Wittig at tifmasfoundation@gmail.com
We have added a new online testing center in Frisco.
Ho2 Systems, LLC
4645 Avon Lane, Suite 220
Frisco, TX 75033
Please schedule your exam through your online FIDO account. If you have questions or need assistance, send an email to: testing@tcfp.texas.gov
You can now pre-register for CE hours if you plan to attend our regional meeting in Amarillo on Sept. 4 or the one in Abilene on Sept. 5.
Please visit our regional meetings webpage to find the links so you can get registered: https://www.tcfp.texas.gov/regional-meetings
Questions or concerns can be emailed to info@tcfp.texas.gov.
You can now pre-register for CE hours if you will be attending the upcoming commission workshop and/or commission meeting happening August 14-15, 2024.
Please use the QR code provided to preregister with TEEX. Questions or concerns can be emailed to info@tcxfp.texas.gov.
The Curriculum & Testing committee will be meeting at TCFP HQ in Austin on August 1 & 2, 2024.
You can download a copy of the agenda from the calendar page. https://www.tcfp.texas.gov/calendar
Questions about the meeting? Please send an email to curriculum@tcfp.texas.gov.
TDEM asked us to share the following message to help get the word out.
Attention to all First Responders, Emergency Managers, and Hazardous Materials Responders! Many of you register for training using the www.PreparingTexas.org website managed by the Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM). We are moving to a new learning platform: Blackboard Learn. We are asking ALL users to go to www.PreparingTexas.Org and update your user profile. We especially need you to ensure that your FEMA SID and work email are correct.
More information and instructions can be found under Quick Links at www.PreparingTexas.Org. Please update your information before August 1, 2024. If you have any questions, contact us at Training@TDEM.Texas.Gov.
The special temporary provision (a.k.a. the grandfathering period) during which you can take the fire marshal certification exam without first having to take an approved course is coming to an end. If you haven't scheduled your fire marshal exam yet, please submit your application right away.
First: You must APPLY to take the exam by August 1, 2024. To apply, sign in to your online FIDO account and go to your applications page.
Second: You must TAKE THE EXAM by August 30, 2024 (not Aug. 31).
If you miss the 8/1 application deadline, you must take & pass an approved course before you can apply to take the exam.
There is no way to get this certification without taking the exam. No one will be "grandfathered in" without taking the exam.
As we get closer to the deadline, it will become more difficult to get scheduled to test as the slots will fill up. Please don't wait!
You can review rule 467.1 in our standards manual for more details on the special temporary provision and what you will need in order to qualify for the exam. You can find it on our website by clicking on Services > Manuals > Standards Manuals > Chapter 467 (subchapter A).
Questions, or just need some help? Send an email to: testing@tcfp.texas.gov.
Please check your email and voicemail for a possible cancelation notice from DPS before going to any IdentoGo location for your fingerprint/background check appointment.
DPS has requested that everyone who has an appointment with IdentoGo to please check your e-mail and voicemail for cancelation notices prior to traveling to the IdentoGo location.
If you have not received a cancelation notice but would like to confirm your appointment is still scheduled, you can contact IdentoGo by phone regarding the status of your appointment: 1-888-467-2080 (Option 3).
The C&T committee will be meeting at TCFP HQ on June 17-18, 2024.
You can download a copy of the agenda from the calendar page: https://www.tcfp.texas.gov/calendar
Questions about the meeting? Please send an email to curriculum@tcfp.texas.gov.
Two new online testing centers are now offering TCFP exams.
Blinn College - RELLIS
1366 Bryan Road, Suite 140 Administrative Bldg.
Bryan, TX
Texas Southmost College
Oliveira Student Services Bldg.
1701 May Street
Brownsville, TX
Please schedule your exam through your online FIDO account. If you have questions or need assistance, please send an email to testing@tcfp.texas.gov.
Now accepting applications for membership!
The Health & Wellness Committee of the Texas Commission on Fire Protection plays a critical role in promoting and safeguarding the physical and mental well-being of firefighters across the state. As a committee member, you will contribute to the development and implementation of strategies aimed at enhancing the health, safety, mental wellness, and overall quality of life for Texas firefighters.
For more information on the responsibilities and preferred qualifications, please go to our website, and at the top of the page, click About Us > Commissioners and Committees > Apply to Open Committee Position.
The deadline to apply is June 17, 2024. Questions? Email us! info@tcfp.texas.gov
The Texas Commission on Fire Protection is seeking volunteers for the Marine Ad Hoc Committee to make improvements to the marine firefighter curriculum.
Minimum requirements include a current Instructor I certification and a current Marine Firefighter certification. Experience teaching a Marine Firefighter course is a plus!
Applications will be accepted through Friday, May 31, 2024. You can download an application here.
Questions about applying for this committee? Please send an email to curriculum@tcfp.texas.gov.
Due to our recent move, many books and other items from the Ernest A. Emerson Fire Protection Resource Library had to find new homes.
A number of children’s books, toys, bookmarkers and videos were donated to Little Free Library and Free Blockbuster kiosks for our neighbors’ use and enjoyment. You can see a couple photos on our Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/TCFPinfo/
We have created a new webpage where departments can share their seminars and training events with the rest of the Texas fire service.
It's a lot like our jobs webpage. You fill out the fields in the application, submit a PDF or include a link with more information, and once your event is approved it will be listed on the webpage. We hope this will be a useful resource for members of the fire service in finding more training opportunities in their areas.
The new webpage is located under the News + Events tab. Here is the link: https://www.tcfp.texas.gov/seminar-training-event Questions or concerns can be sent to info@tcfp.texas.gov.
The TCFP is now running it’s biennial customer service survey. The survey contains 18 questions and takes approximately 4 minutes to complete.
Your feedback is very important to us. We welcome all your comments and suggestions. This survey will run from April 1 to April 14, 2024. Please use this link to be taken to the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TZQ5P3Y
Please visit our regional meetings webpage to see the 2024 schedule and for more information.
We hope to see you there!
On 2/29/2024 the Commission discussed and approved internal policies and processes, and established an ad hoc committee so they can start filling vacant seats on the three standing committees. Please download
this 15-page PDF document for a comprehensive update with more detailed information.
The Bryan Fire Department is hosting a CPSE "Quality Improvement workshop for fire & emergency services" in Bryan, TX April 15-17, 2024.
The key learning objectives of the workshop include the steps in the self-assessment process, from building a team to becoming an accredited agency, as well as the key elements of the accreditation process.
For more information on the workshop including cost and how to get registered, please email Lt. Andrew Davis: adavis@bryantx.gov
Our headquarters is moving to a new office in Austin on February 23rd.
The new address will be 4800 North Lamar Blvd., Austin, TX 78756. If you will be visiting us in person to attend the Feb. 29, 2024 Commission meeting (or for any other reason), please
download this PDF guide that has maps and instructions to help you find us in our new location. Free visitor parking is available.
If you have any questions or concerns about our upcoming move, please send an email to info@tcfp.texas.gov.
San Jacinto Community College District is now offering TCFP exams at three of their online testing centers in Houston.
SJCC - Generation Park Campus (13455 Lockwood Road, G-2.115, Houston TX 77044)
SJCC - North Campus (5800 Uvalde Road, N-6.220, Houston TX 77049)
SJCC - South Campus (13735 Beamer Road, S-6.220, Houston TX 77089)
Please schedule your exam through your online FIDO account. You can send an email to testing@tcfp.texas.gov if you have questions or need assistance.