File Complaint

Instructions for completing the complaint form

NOTICE: This page is for complaints only, if you wish to recognize one of our staff or the agency for a job well done please do so at

For a complaint to be successfully submitted, Texas Commission on Fire Protection procedures require your name and contact information. Upon receipt of a complaint alleging a violation of commission rule and substantiating its validity, the commission shall follow the procedures outlined in Texas Government Code, Chapter 419, §419.011(b) and (c), and report back to the complainant about its progress.

If you not filing a complaint and wish to contact the agency regarding an issue, please click here.

Under the Texas Public Information Act, the complainant’s identity is subject to being revealed.

  • Complainant Name: enter your name (required)
  • Complainant Email: enter your valid email address (required)
  • Complainant Phone: enter your valid phone number (required)
  • Location of Occurrence: Address of where the alleged violation occurred (required)
  • Date Occurred: What date did the incident first occur (required)
  • Nature of Complaint: Pick best description from dropdown menu (required)
  • Type of Violation: Pick best description from dropdown menu (required)
  • Name of Individual Complaint Against: if an individual what is their name
  • Individuals PIN: if known enter the individuals PIN #
  • Name of Entity Complaint Against: if a TCFP regulated agency what is its name
  • Entity FDID: if know enter the entity’s FDID #
  • Complaint Narrative: Summarize in your own words the who, what, when, where, and why of your complaint (required)
Please enter your name.
Please enter your email.
Please enter your phone.
Please enter physical address of where it occurred, if applicable.
Please enter date the alleged violation occurred.
Select the nature of complaint: Firefighter Safety, Training, Administrative, TCFP (the agency itself or employee), Other.
Please select type of violation: Please select type of violation: PPE, SCBA Air Quality, Non-compliant training, Continuing Education, Records, Other.
Enter the full name of individual the complaint is against, if applicable.
Enter the PIN of individual the complaint is against, if known and applicable.
Enter the name of entity the complaint is against, if applicable.
Please enter FDID of the entity the complaint is against, if known and applicable.
Tell us in detail what the alleged violation is and what is occurring.