Standard on Protective Ensembles for Structural Fire Fighting and Proximity Fire Fighting. Effective date Aug. 21, 2017. See 435.1. (Please note: This section of the law states:(1) purchase, provide, and maintain a complete set of protective clothing for all fire protection personnel who would be exposed to hazardous conditions from fire or other emergencies or where the potential for such exposure exists. A complete set of protective clothing shall consist of garments including bunker coats, bunker pants, boots, gloves, helmets, and protective hoods, worn by fire protection personnel in the course of performing fire-fighting operations.)
Purchase only NFPA-compliant protective clothing. The applicable NFPA edition is the one in effect at the time you contract for or purchase the protective clothing for regulated personnel, and the clothing must be compliant with the duties performed by the personnel. Replacement components must comply with the current standard at the time of contract or purchase.
Standard on Selection, Care, and Maintenance of Protective Ensembles for Structural Fire Fighting and Proximity Fire Fighting. Effective date: August 25, 2019. See 435.1. Develop a selection, care and maintenance program standard operating procedure (SOP) that complies with the current edition of NFPA 1851. NFPA 1851 4.2.2-The organization shall develop written standard operating procedures (SOPs) that shall identify and define the various parts of the program and the various roles and responsibilities of the organization and of the members in the program parts specified in Table 4.2.2.
The SOP should contain at minimum the following:
1. Records, Section 4.3
2. Protecting the public and personnel from exposure to contaminated PPE, Section 4.5
3. Selection, Chapter 5
4. Inspection, Chapter 6
5. Cleaning, Chapter 7
6. Repair, Chapter 8
7. Storage, Chapter 9
8. Retirement, disposition, and special incident procedures, Chapter 10
The agency has published a brief overview of NFPA 1851 and a risk assessment information page.
Standard on Open-Circuit Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) for Emergency Services. Effective date September 3, 2018. See 435.3.
Purchase only NFPA-compliant SCBA. The NFPA standard applicable to a self-contained breathing apparatus is the standard in effect at the time you contract for new, rebuilt, or used self-contained breathing apparatus.
(Please note: All components or potential repairs and updates that may be needed or added to the SCBA units must comply with the standard. The purchase of used or re-furbished units must meet the current standard at the time the department obtains them - not the original manufacture date.)
Standard on Selection, Care, and Maintenance of Open-Circuit Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA). Effective date May 24, 2018. See 435.3.
Develop a selection, care and maintenance program standard operating procedure (SOP) that complies with the current edition of NFPA 1852. The SOP must apply to each on-duty firefighter who engages in operations where IDLH environments may be encountered, where the atmosphere is unknown, or where the potential for such exposure exists. The SOP should contain the following:
1. A general program providing records of each and all items or components necessary for compliance with this standard.
2. Procedures to follow for the selection of SCBA.
3. Procedures for after-use inspections and advanced inspections.
4. Procedures for testing SCBA.
5. Procedures for cleaning and decontamination of SCBA.
6. Procedures for repair of SCBA.
7. Procedures for storage of SCBA.
8. Procedures for the tracking of filling of SCBA.
9. Procedures for retirement, disposition, and special incidents.
Standard on Personal Alert Safety Systems (PASS). Effective date November 30, 2017. See 435.9
Purchase only NFPA compliant PASS devices. The applicable edition is the one in effect at the time you contract for or purchase the PASS device. Develop an SOP that includes the proper use, selection, care and maintenance of PASS devices.
Standard on Breathing Air Quality for Emergency Services Respiratory Protection. Effective date May 24, 2018. See 435.3.
Develop an air quality program that complies with the most recent edition of the NFPA 1989 Standard.
The SOP should contain, as a minimum, the following:
1. Procedures for conducting quarterly air testing of all cascade systems, breathing air compressors and other applicable sources of breathing air.
2. Procedures for maintaining records and reports that document compliance with commission and NFPA 1989 requirements concerning SCBA and breathing air. Departments must maintain records of all tests for a period on no less than five years.
The 2008 edition also contains new requirements for breathing air compressor installation.
Standard on Emergency Services Incident Management System. Effective date Dec. 2, 2013. See 435.11, 435.13, 435.15, 435.17.
Develop an incident management system (IMS) standard operating procedure (SOP) that contains the components found in NFPA 1561. The commission recommends that departments follow the National Incident Management System (NIMS) when developing their incident management systems. The SOP should contain:
1. Implementation procedures.
2. A method for developing, maintaining and using a personnel accountability system that provides for a rapid accounting of all personnel at an emergency incident.
3. Resource accountability (apparatus and equipment).
4. Incident scene rehabilitation.
5. System qualification process and training requirements.
6. Command structure and positions.
7. Communications systems.
8. Operating at emergency incidents (2-in/2-out).
9. Procedures for interior structural fire fighting.