Health and Wellness Program

Continuing in its longstanding commitment to firefighter safety, health, and well-being, the Texas Commission on Fire Protection has formed the Firefighter Health and Wellness Committee. The mission of the committee is to provide factual data and practical guidance regarding key areas of health and wellness to educate, inform, and facilitate the development of action guides for individuals and departments. The action guides, and other important information related to health and wellness, will reside on TCFP's website for reference and use by all.

The committee consists of fire service and general health professionals from throughout the state. Others maintaining expertise in particular fields will likely be brought on board from time to time to assist the committee.

As it begins its work, the committee intends to focus its efforts on the following areas of particular concern:

  • Occupational cancer
  • Behavioral health (PTSD, suicide, and related issues)
  • Cardiovascular disease and general health
  • Physical injuries, to include career ending injuries

The committee welcomes input from every facet of the Texas fire service and beyond as it pursues its mission, with the goal, as always, to ensure Everyone Goes Home.

Health Resources
