Certified Training Facilities
Organizations wishing to become a certified training facility must submit:
A completed application for training facility certification
TCFP-006 (PDF).
and fee for each discipline (one application can be used for multiple TF certificates) for which the organization is seeking to provide training.
- The application must include:
- Descriptions and addresses of physical facilities
- An inventory of apparatus, equipment, and reference material to be utilized in conducting the training
- Letters of agreement that authorizes the use of readily available equipment and resources that are not owned by the training facility
- Photographs of resources
a FIDO account owner form
TCFP-019 (PDF).
must be submitted with all initial applications for training facility certification.
- Resources, references and equipment lists can be found in the curriculum skills manual of each discipline that the facility wishes to provide training.
Please review Chapter 427 for more important information.
In addition to becoming a certified training facility, there are instructor requirements for teaching commission training. Information on instructor requirements are found in RULE §427.307 On-Site and Distance Training Provider Staff Requirements.
After the facility becomes certified, a training prior approval (TPA) must be completed and submitted via the department FIDO account to provide TCFP approved training for each class that will be conducted. Please contact our testing and training section 512-936-3816 for questions concerning TPA’s.
Distance Training Delivery (On-line)
Approved distance training is fire training where instructors and students are primarily in different locations and content is instructed primarily using the internet. Courses must be interactive. Distance training that serves as nothing more than electronic text is not acceptable. Online courses must provide the opportunity for the student to interact or ask questions via e-mail, chat rooms or some other method of communication. Other computer-mediated methods of instruction may be used to enhance instruction; however, the primary delivery method must be through the internet or an intranet.
Please review Subchapter 427 B - Distance Training Provider for detailed requirements.
Organizations that already are approved as an on site training facility but wish to provide on line training will have to complete a separate application for training facility process and a new FDID will be created for their online training facility in our system.
As part of the approval process for an online facility, the on-line training delivery platform (link to the training provider’s web page) needs to be reviewed to verify that the course structure and objectives are covered. A logon ID and password for the web page will need to be provided.
The course syllabus also needs to be evaluated to verify that the students are specifically informed that the skills portion and the final exam are completed on-site and proctored according to §427.201(d) and §427.305 (in addition to the TCFP exam). Students need to be aware that their training is valid for 2 years and their TCFP passing exam score is valid for two (2) years and that if they do not apply and obtain that certification and IFSAC seals prior to their exam expiration date, they will have to retest in order to qualify to apply.