Service time is defined as years of service employed while holding certification that can be used towards higher levels of and instructor certification.
If your FIDO account reflects employment with a regulated entity, and you hold certification, you are earning service time. Service time becomes important as some certifications have a service time requirement.
If you have firefighting experience prior to holding TCFP certification or prior to employment with a regulated entity in the state of Texas, you may be granted equivalent service time if the appropriate documentation is submitted.
To be granted service time, Form 16: Affidavit (PDF). and ALL required supporting documentation must be uploaded to your FIDO account on the Submissions page, Service Time Affidavits button for review and approval.
If you were a firefighter in another state, the following is required:
If you were a firefighter in the military and have DoD IFSAC seals, the following is required:
If you were/are a volunteer firefighter, the following is required:
If you were/are a volunteer firefighter with SFFMA certification prior to holding a TCFP certification, the following is required:
If you were/are a volunteer firefighter and want to document time to qualify for Instructor certification ONLY, the following is required: